Previous models
MFK1 - Multifunction Kappabridge
Production discontinued.
Upgrades from MFK1-B to MFK1-FB, MFK1-A, MFK1-FA and from MFK1-A to MFK1-FA available.
Service available.
Three frequency multifunction Kappabrige MFK1 is the predecessor of the current model MFK2.
Data acquistion software SAFYR can be found here.
For DOS versions of the software take look here.

CS-3 Furnace Apparatus
In production
The CS-3 High Temperature Furnace Apparatus is optional attachment for KLY-3S/KLY-4S and older version of MFK1-A/FA Kappabridges designed for measurement of the temperature variations of low-field magnetic susceptibility of minerals, rocks and synthetic materials in the temperature range from ambient temperature to 700℃. Measurements can be performed under the protective argon atmosphere to prevent oxidation of measured specimen.
Software for CS-3/MFK1 combination can be found here.
For CS-3/KLY-3S/KLY-4S combinations take look here.

KLY-3/3S and KLY-4/4S Kappabridges
Production discontinued, service or upgrades are not not available
KLY-3S was first Kappabridge that enables to use spinning specimen method. KLY-4 introduced measurements of field variation of magnetic susceptibility. Both instruments (S versions) were designed to work with optional attachment CS-3 and CS-L for temperature variation of susceptibility measurement.

JR-5/5A Spinner Magnetometers
Production discontinued, service or upgrades are not not available
JR-5A was first spinner magnetometer which changes position of the sample automatically. This magnetometer serves for years in many laboratories all around the world.

LDA-3 AF Demagnetizer
AMU-1 Anhysteretic Magnetizer
LDA-3 discontinued, AMU-1 available upon request, service available
AF Demagnetizer / Anhysteretic magnetizer system with AF field up to 100 mT and DC field up to 500 µT. Tumbling specimen demagnetization and magnetization in 18 directions.